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用考网【口语】 编辑:未知 发布时间:2015-01-18 14:33:03
A: Has the case been closed yet?
B: No, the magistrate still needs to decide the outcome.
n. 地方行政官,地方法官,治安官
A: I am unable to read the small print in the book.
B: It seems you need to magnify it.
vt. 1.放大,扩大;2.夸大,夸张
A: That was a terrible storm.
B: Indeed, but it is too early to determine the magnitude of the damage.
n. 1.重要性,重大;2.巨大,广大
A: A young fair maiden like you shouldn’t be single.
B: That is because I am a young fair independent maiden.
n. 少女,年轻姑娘,未婚女子
a. 首次的,初次的
A: You look majestic sitting on that high chair.
B: Yes, I am pretending to be the king!
a. 雄伟的,壮丽的,庄严的,高贵的
A: Please cook me dinner now.
B: Yes, your majesty, I’m at your service.
n.  1.[M-]陛下(对帝王,王后的尊称);2.雄伟,壮丽,庄严
A: Doctor, I traveled to Africa and I think I caught malaria.
B: Did you take any medicine as a precaution?
n.  疟疾
A: I hate you!
B: Why are you so full of malice?
n. 恶意,怨恨
A: I’m afraid that the test results have come back and your lump is malignant.
B: That means it’s serious, doesn’t it, doctor?
a. 1.恶性的,致命的;2.恶意的,恶毒的
A: I’m going shopping in the mall this afternoon, want to join me?
B: No, thanks, I have plans already.
n. (由许多商店组成的)购物中心
A: That child looks very unhealthy.
B: Yes, he does not have enough to eat. He is suffering from malnutrition.
n. 营养不良
A: What distinguishes mammals from other animals, teacher?
B: Mammals feed their young on milk.
n. 哺乳动物
A: I was able to park the car in one single maneuver.
B: Well done, you have improved.
n. 1.谨慎而熟练的动作;2.策略,花招;3.[pl.]演习
vt. 1.设法使变动位置;2.(敏捷或巧妙地)操纵,控制
vi. 1.设法变动位置;2.用策略,耍花招
A: Are you telling me you saw a ghost?
B: Yes, it manifested itself on me during the night.
a. 明显的,显然的,明了的
vt. 1.显示,表明,证明;2.使显现,使显露
A: I’m not able to untie this knot.
B: If you manipulate the knot a bit more you may be able to open it.
vt. 1.操纵,控制,影响;2.(熟练地)操作,使用
A: I just bought the new house.
B: That is too big to be a house. It is a mansion.
n. 大厦,(豪华的)宅邸
A: I discovered an ancient manuscript.
B: Are you going to donate it to the library?
n. 1.手稿,原稿,底稿;2.手写本
A: What type of tree is that?
B: I think it is a maple
n. 槭树,枫树,槭木
A: I really dislike Stephanie.
B: Don’t try to mar me with your negative impressions of her before I even meet her.
vt. 破坏,毁坏
A: I’m getting a new fireplace installed.
B: Is it the marble one you had your eye on?
n. 1.大理石;2.(用玻璃、石头等制成的)弹子;3.[pl.]弹子游戏
A: The mare is expecting her foal in three weeks.
B: Oh! I thought a mare was a male horse, silly me!
n. 母马,母驴
A: Did you do well in the exam, Sir?
B: Yes, you only made some marginal errors.
a. 1.微小的,少量的,不重要的;2.仅以微弱多数票获胜的;3.记(或引)在页边的,有旁注的
A: Have you ever smoked marijuana?
B: No, I have never tried drugs.
n. 大麻,大麻烟
A: What is your marital status?
B: I am married.
a. 婚姻的,夫妻的
A: I’m going to visit the maritime museum this afternoon.
B: I assume that it is the one by the sea.
a. 1.海的,海事的,航海的;2.近海的,海的
A: It rained so much. My garden is like a marsh.
B: Don’t worry, it will dry out soon.
n. 沼泽,湿地
A: I was a marshal in the army for 11 years.
B: Gosh, that is a high rank, you must have worked hard to get there.
n. 1.元帅,最高指挥官;2.(某些群众活动的)总指挥,司仪;3.(美国的)执法官,警察局长,消防队长
vt. 整理,排列,集结
A: I read that the ancient Romans were martial people.
B: I’m not sure if they were inclined to war.
a. 战争的,军事的,武术的
A: The sunset is amazing.
B: Yes, I am sitting here marveling at it right now.
vi. (at) 惊叹,赞佩
vt. 对...感到惊异
n. 令人惊异(或不可思议)的事,奇迹
A: That girl looks particularly masculine.
B: Maybe it is because she lifts weights.
a. 1.男性的,男子的;2.男子气的
A: Shall I mash your potatoes?
B: No, thanks, I like them whole.
vt. (up) 把...捣成糊状
n. 糊状物
A: The soldiers massacred each other with gunfire during the war.
B: Do you know how many people were killed?
vt. 1.大规模屠杀,残杀;2.彻底击败
n. 1.大屠杀,残杀;2.(比赛等)残败
A: I had a wonderful body massage last night.
B: Was it painful?
n. 按摩,推拿
vt. 给...按摩
A: What flag is that hoisted on the mast?
B: It is the national flag. Don’t you recognize it?
n. 1.船桅,桅杆,旗杆;2.天线杆
A: Your book is a masterpiece, well done.
B: Thanks, I hope that the publishers think so , too.
n. 杰作
A: I would love to have a baby soon.
A: That sounds like your maternal instincts talking!
a. 1.母亲的,母亲般的;2.母系的,母方的
A: Did you put your money in the bank?
B: No, I hid it under the mattress.

n. 褥垫,床垫
A: I love walking in the meadows in spring.
B: Me too, the fields are best at that time of year.
n. 草地
A: My brothers are having a serious argument.
B: Are you going to mediate in the hope of solving it?
vi. (in, between) 调解,周旋
vt. 1.经调解解决;2.经周旋促成
A: I visited several medieval castles while in France.
B: So that means they date from the Middle Ages, correct?
a. 中世纪的,中古(时代)的
A: I try to practice meditation at least once a day.
B: Oh, I can never sit still for long periods.
n. 1.默想,默念;2.沉思,冥想,沉思录
A: Why are you looking so melancholy, Rory?
B: I just lost my job.
a. 忧郁的,使人忧郁的,悲伤的
n. 忧郁,悲伤
A: The atmosphere at the party was exceptionally mellow.
B: Yes, all the guests were very relaxed.
a. 1.(颜色或声音)柔和的;2(水果)熟透的,甘美多汁的,(酒)芳醇的;3.成熟的,老练的,稳健的;4.高兴的,微醉的
v. 1.(使)变得柔和;2.(使)成熟;3.(使)变得香醇
A: Sing along to this melody.
B: I would, but I haven’t a note in my head.
n. 1.旋律,曲调;2.悦耳的音乐
A: Would you like to try some melon?
B: I’d love to, is it sweet?
n. 瓜,甜瓜
A: Does Kelly know where to meet us?
B: Yeah, I left a memo for her.
n. 备忘录
A: You have had such an interesting life, you should write your memoirs.
B: I’ve already started them.
n. 1.[pl.]回忆录,自传;2.记事录
A: Do we have to memorise the whole poem, Sir?
B: No, only the first two verses.
v. 记住,熟记
A: Get out from the kitchen, you are such a menace.
B: Sorry, I was only trying to help.
n. 1.具有危险性的人(或物);2.威胁,威吓
vt. 威胁,威吓
A: I do not understand Robin’s mentality.
B: Yeah, she has some strange ideas sometimes.
n. 心态,思想方法
A: All of the merchandise in the shop is half price today.
B: Oh, let’s go in!
n. [总称]商品,货物
vt. 买卖,经营
A: Be careful, there is mercury in the thermometer.
B: Don’t worry, I will be careful.
n. 1,水银,汞;2[M-][罗神]墨丘利
A: I think our ideas are beginning to merge.
B: I think that is because we have spent so much time together.
v. (使)结合,(使)合并,(使)合为一体
A: Can you bring this note to your Mum?
B: No, I am not your messenger.
n. 送信人,信使
A: This car is a little more expensive because of the metallic paint.
B: I think it is worth is though.
a. 1.金属的,金属制的;2.有金属特性的,像金属的
A: Now, please pick out the main metaphors in the poem.
B: Can you give us a clue, teacher?
n. 1.隐喻;2.象征
A: You are very methodical.
B: I just like to be organized.
a. 1.有条理的,井然的;2.办事有条不紊的
A: You were meticulous about the details of our trip.
B: I just wanted everything to go smoothly.
a. 极其仔细的,一丝不苟的
A: Shall we take the bus?
B: No, the metro will be quicker.
n. 地铁
A: Did you report the crime?
B: Yeah, straight away to the metropolitan police.
a. 大城市的,大都会的
A: You are a great violinist.
B: I agree, I think we have a star in our midst.
n. 中部,中间,当中
in the midst of  1.在...之中;2.正当...的时候
A: I am making a film about migrant workers in the city.
B: That will be so interesting. I can’t wait to see it when it is finished.
n. 1.移居者,移民;2.候鸟,迁移动物
A: These birds migrate south in the winter every year?
B: I’d like to go to warmer places also!
vi. 1.(候鸟等)迁徙,移栖;2.移居(尤指移居国外),迁移
A: Even though this car is old, the mileage is not very high.
B: I shall buy it so.
n. 1.里程,英里数;2.好处,利润
A: A militant  group of reformers attempted to overthrow the government.
B: Were they successful?
 a. 激进的,好斗的
n. 激进分子,斗士
A: I want to be a millionaire  some day.
B: Well, you will either have to win the Lottery or work very hard.
 n. 百万富翁,大富翁
A: The flavours in this soup have mingled  well.
B: Yes, it is delicious.
 vt. 使混合,使相混
vi. 1.相交往,相往来;2.混合起来,相混合
A: I bought a miniature  house for my doll.
B: And when you are old enough you will be able to buy a normal sized one!
 a. 小型的,微小的
n. 1.微小的模型,缩影;2.微型画,微型人物像
in miniature  小规模,小型
A: We will rent a minibus  to take us to the match.
B: Are you sure we won’t all fit in a car?


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