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用考网【英语四级作文】 编辑:焯杰 发布时间:2016-01-25 17:45:30




  1. 网络上各种“门”事件频发不断

  2. 门”事件发生的原-因

  3. 我对这一现象的看法和建议

  参考范文:On Gate Affairs

  Various scandals have popped up on the internet. Switching on computer, Chinese netizens seldom fail to have a new scandal displayed in front of their eyes. Just recently, the so-called “Smile Scandal” of a senior official of Shaanxi province has become the target of public criticism.

  Actually, the reasons behind it vary from one from another. In the information age, information travels as fast as lightning and nothing can be kept secret with the ever-developing, widespread internet. Some people expose scandals on the internet just for fun or for raising public concern. With internet, the cyber world also provides a better environment for free speech and other democratic rights for the Chinese.

  In my opinion, some scandals are malicious hypes made by tacky people. While we scold those infamous deeds done in the scandals, we should also get ourselves away from the tacky information online. We should make the internet serve us well, instead of being enslaved by it. By the way, be careful not to make yourself the star of the next scandal!



  1. 网络上各种“门”事件频发不断

  2. 门”事件发生的原因

  3. 我对这一现象的看法和建议

  参考范文:On Gate Affairs

  Various scandals have popped up on the internet. Switching on computer, Chinese netizens seldom fail to have a new scandal displayed in front of their eyes. Just recently, the so-called “Smile Scandal” of a senior official of Shaanxi province has become the target of public criticism.

  Actually, the reasons behind it vary from one from another. In the information age, information travels as fast as lightning and nothing can be kept secret with the ever-developing, widespread internet. Some people expose scandals on the internet just for fun or for raising public concern. With internet, the cyber world also provides a better environment for free speech and other democratic rights for the Chinese.

  In my opinion, some scandals are malicious hypes made by tacky people. While we scold those infamous deeds done in the scandals, we should also get ourselves away from the tacky information online. We should make the internet serve us well, instead of being enslaved by it. By the way, be careful not to make yourself the star of the next scandal!

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